HC Deb 08 April 1964 vol 692 c985
25. Mr. Gordon Walker

asked the Minister of Transport what action he is taking to make the Summit Bridge, Roebuck Lane, Smethwick, less dangerous for pedestrians and road traffic.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

The re-alignment of that length of Roebuck Lane which includes Summit Bridge has been included in the provisional list of schemes for the classified road programme 1965–68.

Mr. Gordon Walker

Provisional? Does the hon. and gallant Gentleman realise that this is probably one of the most dangerous bridges in the land? It has a kink in the middle so that traffic one way cannot see the traffic coming the other way. It has one pavement 6½ ins. wide and another 12 ins. wide. There has recently been a fatal accident It is a miracle that there have not been others. Does not he agree that this is a case where measures should be taken, it necessary temporary measures, to remove an extremely dangerous hazard to traffic? I counted 10 or 12 cars passing there every minute. There were both vehicle traffic and pedestrians.

Vice-Admiral Hughes Hallett

What the right hon. Gentleman says is correct. But the first thing for us to do is agree with the highway authority a definite programme for the works which are to be undertaken. It may well be that the gap between making any temporary arrangements and the completion of the new scheme will be very short indeed.