HC Deb 28 November 1963 vol 685 cc457-8
21. Sir E. Leather

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations whether he will make a statement on the proposal to hold a Commonwealth Festival of the Arts in 1965.

25. Dr. Stross

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what assistance he proposes to give the Commonwealth Festival of the Arts in 1965; and if he will make a statement.

The Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations and for the Colonies (Mr. Duncan Sandys)

The Government welcome the proposal that a Festival illustrating the arts of the Commonwealth should be held in Britain in 1965. I have told the organisers that, if they are able to obtain sufficient support in other Commonwealth countries, we will ask the House to approve a guarantee against loss, up to £80,000. We would be prepared to advance a small amount towards the preliminary expenses, in which case the necessary application would be made to the Civil Contingencies Fund.

Sir E. Leather

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Government's decision to support this project will be widely welcomed among all who are interested in the affairs of the Commonwealth and also in the world of the arts? Can he assure us that the support—both in cash and in the various efforts required—from his and other Ministries will be sufficient to be worthy of the occasion, and that it will not be skimped and spoilt by cheeseparing? This is a great opportunity.

Mr. Sandys

I think that what I have said shows our sympathy and support for the idea. We now have to see what support will be forthcoming from other Commonwealth countries and cultural bodies of various kinds.

Dr. Stross

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the House and the country must welcome the statement that he has made of the support that he proposes to give? At the same time, does he remember that this idea would never have come to pass at all but for the initial support given by the London County Council and, in particular, by its leader, Sir Isaac Hayward, who gave the sum of £50,000 in order to put it on its feet? Should not Sir Isaac and the Council be given credit for this?

Mr. Sandys

I am very glad that the hon. Member has raised that point. I am happy to say that the London County Council is offering to guarantee a certain sum towards the Festival, and I am hopeful that other local authorities will follow its example.