HC Deb 27 November 1963 vol 685 cc271-2
28. Mr. Manuel

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the estimated cost of road improvement works for the routes between Inverness and Wick and between Inverness and Kyle arising from the intention of the Railways Board to withdraw all passenger services from the railways serving those areas as from 2nd March, 1964; and what proposals he has authorised.

Mr. Noble

Various improvements to these roads are in hand or in prospect, but none for this particular reason. The reports from the Transport Users' Consultative Committee will help me to assess what additional improvements might be needed; and I will see that my right hon. Friend the Minister of Transport, is fully aware of the implications for expenditure on road works when the proposed closures come to him for his final decision.

Mr. Manuel

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of paragraph 120 of the Kilbrandon Report which lays down that no line ought to be closed unless adequate alternative transport facilities are available? Is he also aware that paragraph 111 of that Report advocates the setting up of a Highland Transport Board to make recommendations to him before any line is closed? Is it not regrettable and shocking that, while in July he promised to set up the Board, he has not yet named the members and yet there are repeated notices of closures and the Transport Users' Consultative Committee will not allow objectors to discuss anything other than hardships, not road improvements or anything else?

Mr. Noble

I am sure that the hon. Gentleman does not expect me to change the system of the Transport Users'Consultative Committee for any particular line. The Highland Transport Board will be set up quite soon and I hope to be able to announce the names shortly. It will certainly be in a position to deal with any recommendations from the Transport Users' Consultative Committee and to help me long before these reports are ready.

Mr. Manuel

Does not the right hon. Gentleman agree with his own decision that the Highland Transport Board ought to be the authority to make recommendations to him about closures? Is he saying that when closures take place he will have no part in the decision, but that it will be left entirely to the Minister of Transport?

Mr. Noble

I said exactly the reverse. I said that the Highland Transport Board would be in a position to advise me long before, I hope, the Transport Users'Consultative Committee comes in.