HC Deb 25 November 1963 vol 685 cc1-3
1. Mr. Mayhew

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will take action to enforce a complete embargo on the sale of arms from Britain to the Union of South Africa.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. R. A. Butler)

No, Sir. Our policy in regard to the export of arms to South Africa was explained by Sir Patrick Dean in the United Nations Security Council on 7th August last.

Mr. Mayhew

Is the Foreign Secretary not fully aware of the widespread resentment at the continued sale of arms by this country to the Union of South Africa? Will he, in particular, deny the report in the Observer of 17th October that we are now sending tear gas, spare parts for Saracen armoured cars, and 15 helicopters to the Union of South Africa?

Mr. Butler

I should need to investigate the question put to me by the bon. Member. I must make it clear that Sir Patrick Deal said that no arms would be exported to South Africa which would enable the policy of apartheid to be enforced. That remains the Government's policy.

Mr. Mayhew

Is it not reasonable to expect the Foreign Secretary to keep a check on reports on this kind, which are backed, I believe, by the World Council of Churches, that armoured car parts, tear gas and heli copers are being sent to the Union. Has he not seen those reports?

Mr. Butler

I certainly could not give an answer without investigation. I will certainly make an investigation and inform the ton. Member.

Mr. Brockway

Is not this distinction between arms to be used for external purposes and arms to be used in South Africa itself quite unreal? For example, are not these helicopters being used to keep watch on the borders for refugees and would they not be used in any internal upsurge within South Africa?

Mr. Butler

There is a distinction between arms which are used definitely and exclusively to enforce the policy of apartheid and arms which are necessary for the sell-defence—under Article 51 of the Charter—of South Africa itself, which involves sea routes. I will investigate the question of helicopters at the request of the hon. Member for Woolwich, East (Mr. Mayhew), which has been mentioned by the hon. Member for Eton and Slough (Mr. Brockway).