HC Deb 21 November 1963 vol 684 cc1156-7
13. Mr. D. Foot

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what progress has been made in the current inquiry into the nature and purpose of committal proceedings; and when the report may be expected.

Mr. Brooke

I have asked a number of interested persons and organisations to assist me by giving their views in answer to a detailed questionnaire on this matter. Several have already been good enough to send me full replies, butnot all have yet been able to do so, and I cannot yet say when the inquiry will be completed.

Mr. Foot

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is now over five years since the Tucker Committee on committal proceedings reported and nearly two years since the present inquiry was announced? How much longer must we wait before we have any possibility of fresh legislation?

Mr. Brooke

I hope that the hon. and learned Member may be able to assist me. I understand that he is chairman of the Society of Labour Lawyers, which is one of the bodies which have not yet replied to my questionnaire.

Mr. Foot

Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that over 18 months elapsed after the announcement of this inquiry before interested bodies were asked to produce their evidence?

Mr. Brooke

As soon as I get in all this information, it will be possible for me to give it consideration and seek to reach conclusions. The replies that I have been getting up to now are somewhat contradictory.