HC Deb 21 November 1963 vol 684 c1169
33. Mrs. Butler

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many children in the care of local authorities have been sent overseas under emigration schemes where the parents or guardians had indicated their opposition when consulted under the provisions of the Children Act. 1948.

Miss Pike

Since the Children Act, 1948, came into force the Secretary of State has given his consent, despite the objection of a parent, to proposals for the emigration of children in five cases, one concerning a family of five children. Two of these cases were under emigration schemes.

Mrs. Butler

Is the Minister aware that many members of the public have been concerned when reading in the Press about these cases and very concerned that such cases can take place? Will the Minister, undertake a review of this type of incident, which is most unsatisfactory?

Miss Pike

I should have thought from the figures I have given that it is true to say that this permission is asked only in very rare cases. My right hon. Friend has given permission only in those cases after very extensive consideration of the factors involved.

Mrs. Butler

Is it not most unsatisfactory that these cases should take place?

Miss Pike

This is embodied in the 1948 Act and this continues the regulation which was in previous Acts.