HC Deb 29 May 1963 vol 678 c1298
12. Mr. Wall

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will make further representations to the Government of the United Arab Republic about the release of, or payment of compensation for, the property of British nationals resequestrated in October-November, 1961.

Mr. P. Thomas

Frequent representations have been made in this matter. I regret that the United Arab Republic Government have not yet communicated their decision whether the property of the British nationals concerned is to be released or, if not, how compensation is to be paid. As my right hon. Friend said on 1st May, 1962, however, it seems clear that they will accept the principle of compensation for any property which is not released. Our most recent information is that a decision may he expected comparatively soon.

Mr. Wall

Would not my hon. Friend agree that there is now no threat from Israel, which was really the excuse for these seizures? Is he aware that some of these properties fall under the terms of the Anglo-Egyptian Financial Agreement, and will he do his best to reach finality on this matter?

Mr. Thomas

Yes, Sir.