HC Deb 28 May 1963 vol 678 c1113
31. Sir A. Hurd

asked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science if he will now state the terms of the redundancy provisions to be offered by the Atomic Energy Authority to staff with professional qualifications.

Mr. Denzil Freeth

I am sending my hon. Friend a copy of the document which sets out the scheme in detail.

Sir A. Hurd

Is my hon. Friend, who shares the representation of Aldermaston with me, reasonably satisfied that these redundancy terms are fair and reasonable? Is he satisfied that when there are vacancies for professional staff and others at Harwell and other atomic stations these are offered first to those who are no longer required at Aldermaston? There seems to be some doubt about this.

Mr. Freeth

In answer to the first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question, I believe that the terms are very reasonable and that with one minor reservation they have been accepted by the staff side. On the second part of the question, we look upon the Authority as one employer and we do our best by redeployment to prevent redundancy occurring.