HC Deb 28 May 1963 vol 678 cc1095-6
8. Mr. Crossman

asked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science whether, in view of the uncertainty among the staff, he will now make a further statement about the employment situation at the Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Research Establishment after March, 1964, and about his arrangements for dealing with the redundancy in the event of a reduction of work.

Mr. Denzil Freeth

I regret I can at present add nothing to my statement of 19th March.

Mr. Crossman

Surely the hon. Gentleman is aware of the undesirability of such large staffs being in a state of continual uncertainty, because it demoralises them? Cannot he at least give us the assurance that the team will be held together and not be disbanded?

Mr. Freeth

I have said that it is very unlikely that there will be any redundancy of scientists. With regard to the other staff at Aldermaston, it has been said that the question of redundancy cannot be ruled out after March, 1964. The staff have been told that by the autumn of this year it should be possible to give a more precise indication of staffing arrangements thereafter. I am afraid that at present I cannot add anything to my earlier statement.

Mr. Crossman

Is not the hon. Gentleman at least able to give us the assurance that we are not concerned only about redundancy but about the breaking up of staff? Is not that something where his advance planning could at least ensure that where a large staff is built up it will be retained as a unit?

Mr. Freeth

When the plans are fully made for the position after March, 1964, a statement will be made.