HC Deb 27 May 1963 vol 678 c910
27. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the Minister of Health if he will call for returns from hospital authorities which will distinguish between admissions under Section 25 and those under Section 29 of the Mental Health Act, 1929.

Mr. Powell

I have done so.

Mr. Robinson

I am very glad to hear this. Is the Minister aware that there are indications that the great majority of compulsory admissions under the Mental Health Act are under the Section 29 emergency procedure, for convenience, and not because they are emergencies; and that therefore the intentions of Parliament are being frustrated in this respect?

Mr. Powell

I have heard this alleged. although I must say that I have not been able to trace a specific instance which shows it; but I agree that it will be useful to have a breakdown of admissions under the two Sections.