HC Deb 23 May 1963 vol 678 cc627-8
29. Sir T. Moore

asked the First Secretary of State whether it has been decided to abolish the Central African Federation; and what are his proposals in regard to the formation of an alternative association with similar ideals.

Mr. R. A. Butler

I have nothing further to add to my statements of 1st April and 21st May.

Sir T. Moore

As far as I remember, these were about forthcoming conversations which were to take place with the various members of the Federation. During these conversations, negotiations, or whatever they may be, will my right hon. Friend try to make sure that the new Association, or whatever it may be, will embody the multi-racial ideals and the safeguards which Sir Roy Welensky applied to the Federation?

Mr. Butler

As I said in my statement a day or two ago, we hope to organise a conference to consider both the dissolution of the Federation and the future, and we shall certainly attempt to maintain and to perpetuate all the best things which the Federation was able to achieve.

Mr. Mason

How long will it take to unscramble Nyasaland from the Federation? In view of the fact that the right hon. Gentleman has given Northern Rhodesia the right to secede, may I ask when he expects that to be complete? Will he keep in mind the desire of many hon. Members, and members of the Central African Federation, that there should be a continuing economic alliance, particularly having in mind the Central African Economic Council, which will be to the benefit of all the people concerned in those countries?

Mr. Butler

I cannot give an exact date in answer to the question about Nyasaland. Work is proceeding—namely, the transfer of functions and all the organisation of the future of the debt, assets and liabilities and so on. That is making quite satisfactory progress. In respect of Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia, we count more on the forthcoming conference. I accept what the hon. Member said about the importance of maintaining economic ties in view of the great achievements of these two territories together in the past.