HC Deb 22 May 1963 vol 678 cc408-9
4. Mr. K. Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour what progress has been achieved in securing agreement between employers and unions for the reduction of apprenticeship periods; which trades have accepted reductions; and what hopes there are for early agreement in other trades.

Mr. Whitelaw

The building industry at national level in England and Wales has accepted a four-year apprenticeship and four regions are now operating it. The hotel and catering industry and the retail meat trade have also shortened their apprenticeship. The engineering, heating and ventilating and electrical contracting industries and the building industry in Scotland are also considering a shortening of apprenticeship. But the delay is most disappointing. My right hon. Friend hopes that employers and national unions throughout industry will urgently consider the relevance of their apprenticeship periods to modern conditions and training methods

Mr. Lewis

Is my hon. Friend aware that if this country is to increase its skill, as it is vital that it should do, and there is to be a transfer of people from one skill to another, it is absolutely vital that this problem should be dealt with right across the unions and that more of them should reduce their periods of apprenticeship very quickly in order that this can be done?

Mr. Whitelaw

I am sure my hon. Friend would be the first to appreciate that it is very dangerous to generalise or to be dogmatic in this matter. We would all agree that the important thing is that the period of apprenticeship should be realistic in relation to the time that it takes to produce a trained worker in present circumstances.

Mr. Prentice

Would not the hon. Gentleman agree that one of the generalisations of which his hon. Friend may have been guilty was his reference to the need of changes throughout the unions? We are talking here about one of many aspects if apprenticeships are to be brought up to date. We would all like to see the conservative attitude on both sides of industry brought up to date in ibis respect.

Mr. Whitelaw

I would call the hon. Gentleman's attention to what I said in my original Answer, which was that my right hon. Friend hopes that employers and national unions throughout industry will urgently consider the relevance of their apprenticeship periods. It is a matter for all concerned.

Industry Change in Hours Operative Date of Reduction
Pot Still Malt Distilling—Scotland 44–42 October, 1962
Harris Tweed Manufacture (mill workers in spinning section)—Outer Hebrides 45–43 February, 1962
Hosiery Manufacture—Scotland 43½–42½ March, 1962
Boot and Shoe Manufacture—Rossendale Valley 43¾–42½ April, 1962
Roofing Felt Manufacture—Great Britain 43–42 July, 1962
Screen Printing and Display Production—Great Britain 42–41 January, 1963
41–40 January, 1964
Exhibition Stand Construction, etc.—Great Britain 42–40 March, 1963
Exhibition Electrical Industry 42–40 March, 1963
Paper Making, Paper Coating, etc. (day workers only)—United Kingdom 43–42 March, 1962
Animal Gat Trade—England and Wales 42½–42 April, 1963
Drawing Office Materials Manufacture—Great Britain 42–42 January, 1962
Building Industry—Scotland 42–40 November, 1963
Plumbing Trade—Scotland 42–40 October, 1962
Electrical Contracting Industry—England and Wales and Northern Ireland 42–40 September, 1964
Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engineering (Installation and Maintenance)—Great Britain 42–40 February, 1965
Painting Trade—Scotland 42–40 November, 1963
Dock Labour—Great Britain 44–42 August, 1962
Dock Labour (British Transport Commission) 44–42 April, 1962
Cold Storage—Great Britain 44–42 September, 1962
Buffer Food Depots—England and Wales 46–44 July, 1962
44–42 March, 1963
Retail Pharmacy (pharmacists only)—England and Wales 46–44 March, 1963
Retail Saddlery and Leather Goods Trade—Great Britain 45–43 March, 1962
Coal and Coke Distribution—Great Britain excluding London Region 44–42 January, 1962
Cine-Film Production (Technical and general grades in film laboratories)—Great Britain 42½–41 December, 1962
41–40 December, 1963
Cine-Film Production (Clerical workers)—Great Britain 38½–37½ December, 1962
Catering—British Transport Hotel and Catering (Restaurant Car and Depot Staff 44–42 January, 1962
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