HC Deb 14 May 1963 vol 677 cc1128-9
27. Commander Donaldson

asked the Postmaster-General if he is aware of the concern in the borders of Scotland regarding the poor television reception of the British Broadcasting Corporation; and, in view of the erection of the new station mast at Ashkirk Hill, near Selkirk, some months ago, when improved services may be expected in the greater border area.

Mr. Bevins

Yes, Sir. The B.B.C. hopes to open its Ashkirk television and VHF sound station next month. I am glad to say that the new station will bring B.B.C. television to 70,000 new viewers, and will improve reception for another 30,000 people.

Commander Donaldson

I thank my right hon. Friend for that Answer. Without wishing to appear ungracious and while I am very grateful to him, may I ask him whether he is not aware that this matter has been constantly raised since 1951 when my right hon. Friend the Member for Luton (Dr. Hill) was Postmaster-General, that it has been causing increasing concern in my three counties and counties adjacent thereto, and that is is heart-warming that the Government have done something to improve matters, especially as they are worried about the possible closure of railway services?