HC Deb 06 May 1963 vol 677 c12
12. Mr. Bullard

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he will give Government assistance to the shellfish industry similar to that given to other sections of the fishing industry in view of the effect of the severe winter on the stocks of shellfish.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

Although the recent bad weather has had a very severe effect on some sections of the shellfish industry, this is not in itself sufficient reason for the Government to change its decision against giving a subsidy to the shellfish industry. But, as my hon. Friend will know, grants are now available under the Sea Fish Industry Act 1962, towards cleansing and restocking oyster beds badly affected by pests and disease.

Mr. Bullard

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind that when he refused the request for the subsidy to be extended to shellfish he did so on the ground that the economic condition of the industry did not merit it? Is he aware that the shellfish industry is not by any means the most prosperous section of the fishing industry and that it has had an extremely hard time as a result of the weather? As he has been able to do something about oysters, which are rather the rich man's dish, would he not therefore be prepared to do something about the poorer man's mussels and whelks and other shellfish and remove a manifest injustice within the fishing industry itself?

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

My hon. Friend will realise that what we have done about oysters is to help the industry to clear disease in the beds. Surely he will agree that it would be invidious to give special help to one section of the agricultural and fisheries industry, because many sections of the industry have suffered from the appalling conditions in the recent winter.