HC Deb 01 May 1963 vol 676 c1064
19. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will state the estimated cost of the technical colleges being built in Kilmarnock and Ayr, respectively; and how these figures compare with the first estimate given.

Mr. Noble

The original, highly speculative, estimate made by the education authority at a very early stage was that each would cost £250,000, and this was later increased to £500,000. Present estimates are for Ayr Technical College, £522,000, plus £211,000 for fees, furniture and equipment; and for Kilmarnock Technical College, £620,000, plus £282,000 for fees, furniture and equipment.

Mr. Ross

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the original estimate was given at a time when he was still a black-faced sheep farmer in Argyll, to quote his own words in one of the few speeches be ever made as a back bencher? Does he realise that we were told seven years ago—a couple of elections ago—by the late and respected Member, James Henderson-Stewart, that this had first priority, and is he satisfied that sufficient importance and urgency has been given to the project by his Department, since neither of these colleges is yet completed?

Mr. Noble

I am not satisfied that nothing could have been done to speed it up, but, as the hon. Gentleman knows, in 1959, which was just after I ceased to be a black-faced sheep breeder, the estimate had gone up to £500,000. Before that, the delays were very largely due to questions of acquisition of land.