HC Deb 28 March 1963 vol 674 cc1527-30
15. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Power if he is satisfied that a sufficient supply of smokeless fuel is now available at a reasonable price in smokeless zones; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peyton

Supplies are generally adequate though shortages of particular types of solid fuel may occur from time to time. My right hon. Friend does not control fuel prices but I have no reason to think that they are unreasonable.

Mr. Allaun

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that there is serious dissatisfaction with the price of 12s. 7d. per cwt. bag of Phimax? Is he further aware that local authorities are being supplied at half the price—6s. 7d. per cwt. for No. 4 Phimax? While there is a certain difference in quality, does not the hon. Gentleman think that this is an extraordinary discrepancy?

Mr. Peyton

I have no doubt that the Gas Board will note what the hon. Gentleman has said. As he has raised the question of bagged supplies, I should like to make this point because it is frequently alleged that excessive charges are made for fuel sold in paper bags. It should be remembered, first, that these bags are expensive, and, secondly, that the people who put fuel into the bags have to be paid for doing so.

Mr. Warbey

As the hon. Gentleman says that supplies of smokeless fuel are now adequate, can he tell me where they are, so that I can get the ton of smokeless fuel which I ordered eight weeks ago and which has not yet been delivered?

Mr. Peyton

Perhaps the hon. Gentleman would be good enough to let me know which type of smokeless fuel he ordered, when he ordered it, and where from, and I shall be glad to draw the attention of the appropriate body to his order.

22. Mr. Small

asked the Minister of Power if he is aware of dissatisfaction with the quality of solid smokeless fuel available to domestic consumers in Glasgow; and if he will take steps to ensure an adequate supply of better quality solid smokeless fuel in this area.

Mr. Peyton

Much of the dissatisfaction is caused by attempts either to burn smokeless fuels in unsuitable appliances or to burn unsuitable fuels. I am informed that while premium smokeless fuels have been scarce in recent months, supplies of Gloco have been adequate.

Mr. Small

As the hon. Gentleman is aware, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the quality of the fuel. Does he realise that the further we expand the smokeless zones the greater will be the dissatisfaction among housewives? Can he give an indication now when a start will be made at the new smokeless fuel plant promised to Scotland recently?

Mr. Peyton

I think—without notice—that it will be in operation next winter. As to the general dissatisfaction to which the hon. Gentleman refers, I do not believe that this exists. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."] I think that in making these allegations the hon. Gentleman is very largely failing to have proper regard, first, to the difficulties, and, secondly, to the progress that is being made in clean air.

28. Mr. Lipton

asked the Minister of Power what supplies of smokeless fuel are now available at a reasonable price in smokeless zones, particularly in the London area.

Mr. Peyton

Coke supplies are adequate, including Gloco. Various premium fuels are also available in the area though they are dearer and some users may not always be able to get the kind they prefer.

Mr. Lipton

Where does the Parliamentary Secretary get that information? We should like to know, because no one in the area would agree with it. Is he aware that, quite apart from the recent cold spell, stocks of smokeless fuel in London have been inadequate for many months past? Who is responsible for seeing that there are adequate supplies of smokeless fuel, particularly in view of the growing extent of smokeless zones?

Mr. Peyton

I have no doubt that the various fuel manufacturers and the distributing trade will note with care what the hon. Gentleman has said. He has challenged the sources of my information. Perhaps it would be fair if I were to remark that I have been wondering about the sources of his information for many years.

Sir J. Langford-Holt

Can my hon. Friend tell the House when the newly-developed smokeless fuel will become available, as preliminary reports seem to indicate that it is extremely good?

Mr. Peyton

I think it is a very good new fuel. If my hon. Friend will put down a Question I will give him more information. Limited quantities will start to become available this autumn. Thereafter, it is a question for the Coal Board to decide whether it intends to develop new plants.

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