HC Deb 27 March 1963 vol 674 cc1293-5
6. Sir H. Butcher

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether, having regard to the outbreak of a disease similar to the North American spindle tuber, he will give an assurance that no potatoes infected or thought to be affected with this disease will be planted in the present season.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

In England and Wales this season all certified red skin seed potatoes, and as far as possible all uncertified seed, are being inspected before planting. Though it is impossible to guarantee that inspection will always reveal whether the disease is present, the action we have taken will reduce the risk to the minimum.

Sir H. Butcher

While I thank my hon. Friend for his reply, may I ask him to impress on the Secretary of State for Scotland the importance of ensuring that no potatoes liable to this disease are allowed to cross the border?

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

I am sure that my right hon. Friend is fully seized of my hon. Friend's suggestion.

29. Mr. Mackie

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he is taking in conjunction with the Potato Marketing Board to ensure an adequate supply of potatoes at reasonable prices for next year.

Mr. Soames

As already announced, the Government have increased the guaranteed price for main crop potatoes. In addition the Potato Marketing Board have set up a Fund to support the market in years of surplus, to which the Government will make substantial contributions when needed. Both these measures are intended to encourage growers to plant an adequate acreage.

Mr. Mackie

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Potato Board is already refusing growers surplus acreages over their quota? Is he further aware that the difference in price between the guaranteed price of about £14 a ton and the surplus price of potatoes is anything up to £10 to £12 a ton and that this licks up all the Government contribution to support prices, with the result that farmers have no confidence in this system and that he will never get a further acreage of potatoes cultivated until he alters the system of guarantees for potatoes?

Mr. Soames

I do not accept that. I think that last year and this year prices were higher than the guaranteed price. The Potato Marketing Board would like to see about 700,000 acres planted. This year we had about 660,000. It was for this reason that I increased slightly the guaranteed price for potatoes to give this further encouragement. As to the arrangements that are made with regard to the quota, the Board is concerned to get an acreage of about 700,000 acres, but we do not want much above that or we shall have a large surplus of potatoes which will have to be bought up.

Sir H. Butcher

Will my right hon. Friend make sure that the Government and the Potato Board act early enough in the season in each year?

Mr. Soames

Perhaps my hon. Friend would repeat that?

Sir H. Butcher

Will my right hon. Friend check with the Potato Board to make sure that the Government and the Board come in sufficiently early in each year?

Mr. Soames

If that be necessary, certainly, but it has not been necessary either this year or last year.

Mr. Mackie

In the last four years out of five we have had fantastic prices for potatoes. Only one year was a surplus year. I am considering the consumer as well as the producer in this case, and unless another system is introduced there can be protection for neither the producer nor the consumer.

Mr. Soames

It is with a view to protecting the consumer that we have been doing all we can to make sure of a greater acreage of potatoes being planted this year.