HC Deb 13 March 1963 vol 673 cc1344-5
26. Mr. Weitzman

asked the Minister of Labour if he has received the resolution of the Stoke Newington Borough Council, drawing attention to its grave concern at the substantial increase in the number of unemployed in the area of Stoke Newington and Hackney; and what action he proposes to take.

Mr. Whitelaw

My right hon. Friend has received the resolution and he is aware of the rise in unemployment in this area. The particular points raised by the council are the concern of the Treasury and the Board of Trade to whom copies of the resolution have been sent.

Mr. Weitzman

Now that the problem of unemployment is really serious in London, will the Minister accept the advice in the words of this resolution: … urge the Government to take immediate measures to effect an acceleration of trade in industries in which there is large-scale unemployment by increasing trade with the Commonwealth and Eastern Europe and removing Purchase Tax on all household goods and furniture."?

Mr. Whitelaw

I think that the hon. and learned Gentleman would be the first to agree that his supplementary question goes somewhat wider than anything for which I have Vie responsibility for replying. Copies of the resolution have been sent to the Ministers concerned, and it will be carefully noted.

Mr. Weitzman

I am only asking the hon. Gentleman to urge the Government to do something. Surely he can do that?

Mr. Whitelaw

If it were necessary I could, but it is not necessary.