HC Deb 27 June 1963 vol 679 cc1638-9
17. Mr. Brockway

asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations if Her Majesty's Government will give the fullest support to, and co-operate in, the establishment of a Federation of Tanganyika, Uganda and Kenya, including its extension to Somalia and Zanzibar, to Nyasaland and Northern Rhodesia, and to Ruanda and Barundi.

The Secretary of State for the Colonies (Mr. Duncan Sandys)

The British Government have long believed that Federation would do much to promote the stability and prosperity of East Africa. We therefore warmly welcome the recent announcement by the President of Tanganyika and the Prime Ministers of Uganda and Kenya of their intention to establish a Federation embracing their countries and to invite the Government of Zanzibar, after the forthcoming elections, to participate in the preparatory discussions.

Whilst this decision is one for the East African Governments themselves, they can count on the fullest support and co-operation of the British Government in their efforts to bring the Federation into being without delay.

I understand that it is intended that the Federation should in the first place be confined to the four countries I have mentioned. This does not of course preclude the possibility that other countries might be invited to join later.

Mr. Brockway

Is the right hon Gentleman aware how all of us welcome the statement which he made? Is he aware that the proposal is not only that this political Federation shall begin but that it shall be established in economic and transport relations with Somalia, Ethiopia, the countries of the Central African Federation, Ruanda, Urundi, and also the Congo? When we have this tremendously hopeful idea, will he give every possible assistance to a proposal which may cause quite a change in the whole pattern in Africa in a hopeful direction?

Mr. Sandys

I am in full agreement with everything that the hon. Member said. I think that the Governments concerned are wise to base the new Federation, in the first place, upon the three Governments which already have embryo federal links through the East African Common Services Organisation, and then to consider extension later.

Mr. F. Harris

While welcoming very much indeed what my right hon. Friend told us this afternoon, may I ask whether he can give us any indication when the East African Federation of Uganda, Kenya and Tanganyika will come into operation?

Mr. Sandys

I could, but I think that that is a matter for the Governments themselves to state.