§ 14. Mr. Skeetasked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science if he will give a list of the radio isotopes at present being manufactured in the United Kingdom, and a table of the establishments producing them; and if he will state the total of Government funds currently being spent in the United Kingdom on isotope research.
§ Mr. Denzil FreethThe processing and sale of radioactive isotopes in the United Kingdom are carried out at the Atomic Energy Authority's Radiochemical Centre at Amersham. About 150 different radio active isotopes are available in some 1,300 different physical and chemical forms. I will send my hon. Friend a copy of the Radiochemical Centre's catalogue.
Total annual Government expenditure on isotope research is about £1 million.
§ Mr. SkeetCan my hon. Friend indicate comparative figures of expenditure on isotope research by other nuclear countries?
§ Mr. FreethNot without notice, and some countries do not publish these figures.