§ 1. Mr. Woofasked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science, as representing the Lord President of the Council, if, on his visit to the North-East in the future, he will visit Blaydon-on-Tyne.
§ 2 and 3. Mr. Greyasked the Parliamentary Secretary for Science, as representing the Lord President of the Council, (1) when he next contemplates visiting the North-East;
(2) what areas he intends to visit when he makes the next tour of the North-East.
§ The Parliamentary Secretary for Science (Mr. Denzil Freeth)My noble friend is not at present in a position to say when he will next be going to the North-East or what areas he will then visit. He will bear in mind the suggestion that Blaydon should be included in an early visit.
§ Mr. WoofWhile appreciating the nature of the reply, may I ask the Parliamentary Secretary whether he is aware that the presence of his noble Friend is much to be desired in Blaydon, especially to note the changing structure of industry and to see for himself the industrial wants of the area? Is he further aware that all the interests concerned are most anxious to learn what proposals are likely to be contained in his noble Friend's Report on the North-East? Does the hon. Gentleman not recognise that it is vital to learn what Government policy is today in order to speed progress in economic resurgence?
§ Mr. FreethBlaydon Council was represented when my noble Friend met local authorities in County Durham in his March tour. In reply to the hon. Member's second and third points in that supplementary question, that matter is covered by Questions later on the Order Paper.
§ Mr. GreyWhilst appreciating the fact that next time the Lord President of the Council visits the North-East he should include Blaydon in his itinerary, may I suggest that it would be a good idea if when he comes to Durham he visits the 3 University, which will then be separate from Newcastle, because it has ideas about a medical faculty? Those concerned might like to interest the Lord President of the Council in the hope that he would use his influence to get the University Grants Committee to agree to such a project.
§ Mr. FreethI will bring this to my noble Friend's attention.