HC Deb 29 July 1963 vol 682 cc13-5
21. Mr. Gresham Cooke

asked the Minister of Aviation if he will put a short time limit on aircraft standing at the passenger gates at London Airport so as to allow more aircraft to use the gates and thereby obviate the use of buses for passengers.

Mr. Marten

No, Sir. Stands are allocated in accordance with arrangements agreed with the airlines. These are designed to secure maximum utilisation, particularly of the inner stands, combined with rapid turn-round of aircraft and the most efficient use of staff and equipment.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

Is my hon. Friend aware that the builders of London Airport built about 40 passenger gates on the assumption that passengers would walk to the aircraft but that these gates are now blocked by aircraft standing at them, sometimes being allowed to stand at the passenger gates for three or four hours for repairs and so on? Ought we not to have some kind of parking meter system at the gates to stop these aircraft standing there?

Mr. Marten

I recognise that point, but it is under continuous review by the airport management. An unduly short time limit on standing would lead to much greater movement of aircraft on the apron taxiways and roads, and this would defeat the whole purpose, which is a smooth and rapid turn-round.

Sir A. V. Harvey

If the Socialist-designed airport is incapable of dealing with aircraft as it is meant to do, could we at least have some modern buses to transport passengers back and forth? The present ones are completely out of date, and the arrangements we have for getting to and from aircraft are really a disgrace to Britain.

Mr. Marten

We are always looking at this sort of thing. I hope that when the piers which are to be built are completed the situation will be made much easier.

Mr. Stratton Mills

When did my hon. Friend's most recent time and motion study take place at London Airport?

Mr. Marten

I cannot say exactly, but this sort of thing is being done fairly continually at London (Heathrow) Airport, as it is at all the airports for which the Ministry is responsible.