HC Deb 22 July 1963 vol 681 c1041
26. Mr. Peart

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he proposes to implement the Convention on Plant Breeders' Rights.

Mr. Soames

Before ratifying their signature of the Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, Her Majesty's Government must, of course, be in a position to apply its provisions to a minimum number of plant species, and this cannot be done until a system of plant breeders' rights has been established in this country. As the House will be aware, legislation for this purpose is in preparation.

Mr. Peart

Can the Minister give any indication when this legislation will come? Will it be in the autumn, or when?

Mr. Soames

I do not think that the hon. Member would like me to speculate at the end of one Session what the legislation is likely to be in the next Session.

Mr. Farr

May I remind my right horn. Friend that it is about three years since the Engholm Committee originally reported? Was his attention drawn to a report in the Press last weekend of an annual meeting of a plant breeding firm, at which the managing director said that it was impossible to continue with research on new varieties until such time as we had policies on the lines envisaged?

Mr. Soames

Yes, I am well aware of both those facts. I am also aware that this House has dealt with a good deal of legislation in the past few years, much of which has come from my Department.

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