HC Deb 22 July 1963 vol 681 cc1050-1
37. Mr. C. Johnson

sked the Minister of Aviation what progress is being made in the preparation of legislation creating a separate airport authority for London Airport.

Mr. Amery

Most of the preparatory work has been done. Further progress depends on when Parliamentary time can be found.

Mr. Johnson

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the increasing anxiety among many interested parties for the early implementation of the report in relation to London Airport? Can he give an assurance that the necessary legislation will be introduced in the early part of next Session?

Mr. Amery

The Parliamentary timetable, as the hon. Gentleman knows, does not depend on me; it is a collective decision of the Government. However, I appreciate the importance which he attaches to the Measure, and I hope that when time is found for it, the hon. Gentleman and my hon. Friend will both manage to be present.