HC Deb 18 July 1963 vol 681 c833
Sir K. Joseph

I beg to move, in page 28, line 9, after "published", to insert: in the London Gazette and". Perhaps this Amendment could be taken with the Amendments to lines 10, 14, 28 and 33?

Mr. Deputy-Speaker

If the House so wishes.

Sir K. Joseph

This group of Amendments writes into the requirements, when an application for a licence is made, the need to publish the application in the London Gazette as well as twice in local newspapers. This was pressed upon the Government in Committee from both sides of the Committee, and I hope the Amendment will meet the wishes of my hon. Friend the Member for the City of Chester (Mr. Temple) and others.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 28, line 10, at end insert: (other than the London Gazette)".

In line 14, after "published", insert: (otherwise than in the London Gazette)".

In line 28, leave out from "during" to "and" in line 29 and insert: a period specified in the notice in accordance with the next following subsection".

In line 33, leave out subsection (3) and insert: (3) The period specified in a notice in pursuance of the last preceding subsection shall be a period beginning not earlier than the date on which the notice is first published in a newspaper other than the London Gazette, and ending not less than twenty-eight days from that date and not less than twenty-five days from the date on which the notice is published in the London Gazette; and a river authority shall not determine any such application as is mentioned in subsection (1) of this section before the end of the period so specified.—[Sir K. Joseph.]