HC Deb 10 July 1963 vol 680 c1223
12. Mr. Paget

asked the Secretary of State for War if he will make a statement as to the circumstances attending the crash of a Belgian transport on a British Army of the Rhine range at Sennelager on 26th June.

Mr. Godber

I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my sympathy with the relatives of those who died.

An exchange of views has taken place in Brussels between the British and Belgian authorities on the subject of the air accident which occurred at Sennelager Range near Detmold on the 26th June, 1963. Agreement was reached on the steps required for further consultation once the Belgian and British Boards of Inquiry had exchanged their individual conclusions bearing in mind the need to bring the investigations to an end as soon as possible.

Meanwhile it would be premature for me to make a statement on the circumstances of the accident.

Mr. Paget

This side of the House joins the right hon. Gentleman in expressing sympathy with the relatives of those who lost their lives in this very tragic accident. May we take it that when it has been ascertained what the cause of this very serious loss of life was, there will be a further statement?

Mr. Godber

Yes, Sir; indeed.