HC Deb 24 January 1963 vol 670 cc269-70
27. Mr. Boyden

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the annual Purchase Tax yield on rucksacks and tents, respectively.

Mr. du Cann

Ordinary tents are not taxable. I regret there is no separate information about the yield of tax from rucksacks.

Mr. Boyden

Is it not anomalous that tents should be free of Purchase Tax while rucksacks are subject to the tax? What is the point of the Ministry of Education encouraging young people to go in for outdoor sports and exercise if the Chancellor taxes one of the ways by which this is made possible? Will the Economic Secretary look at this matter at the appropriate moment?

Mr. du Cann

This situation has obtained for a very long time. It obtained, in fact, when the hon. Member's distinguished predecessor, Dr. Dalton, was the Member for his constituency, but I will certainly make a fuller inquiry into it, as the hon. Member asks.