HC Deb 22 January 1963 vol 670 cc9-11
3. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Post-master-General if, in connection with his proposals for legislation, he will list all newspaper holdings in commercial television companies and all newspaper directors who are also directors of commercial television companies.

Mr. Bevins

The information requested in the first part of the hon. Gentleman's Question was published in paragraph 623 of the Report of the Committee on Broadcasting. The I.T.A. tell me that the position as shown there is virtually unchanged. The information in regard to Directors is very detailed and I am, therefore, publishing it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Allaun

I thank the Postmaster-General for his reply. In view of the widespread anxiety about three Press proprietors owning three out of every

Annex 1
Programme Company Directors who are also Directors of newspapers (National, Provincial and Local) Remarks
A.T.V H. Cudlip Daily Mirror Group
E. S. Birk Daily Mirror Group
R. P. T. Gibson The Financial News Ltd.
The Birmingham Post and Mail Ltd.
Westminster Press
S.T.V R. Thomson Thomson Newspapers
J. Coltart Thomson Newspapers
C. N. McQueen Thomson Newspapers
I. M. Stewart Thomson Newspapers
T.W.W Sir William Emsley Carr News of the World Organisation
Barrow's Organisation
T. R. Jones Barrow's Organisation
M. Chapman-Walker News of the World Organisation
A. G. Jeans Liverpool Daily Post & Echo

four newspapers read in this country and about possible further take-overs, is it not a real threat to democracy to permit these people to have any interest at all in the even more influential—

Sir G. Nabarro indicated dissent.

Mr. Manuel

What's your line?

Mr. Allaun

I do not know about other hon. Members, but I can hardly hear myself speak.

Mr. Speaker

Order. I would be grateful if hon. Members making running commentaries during Question Time would recognise what it would mean to the House as a whole if everybody behaved in that way.

An Hon. Member

We would all get knighted.

Mr. Allaun

As I was saying when I was so rudely interrupted by the hon. Member for Kidderminster (Sir G. Nabarro), is it not a real threat to democracy if these newspaper owners are permitted to have any interest at all in television, which is the most influential of all the media? Why does the T.V. Bill ignore the Shawcross and Pilkington proposals, even about dominant control of television interests?

Mr. Bevins

I should have thought that that was a matter which could be appropriately debated on the Second Reading of the Bill.

Following is the information:

Programme Company Directors who are also Directors of newspapers (National, Provincial and Local) Remarks
Southern B. H. Thomson D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. (Scottish Newspapers)
W. H. Thomson D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. (Scottish Newspapers)
D. B. Thomson D. C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. (Scottish Newspapers)
R. Geddes Associated Newspapers
Hon. V. H. Harmsworth Associated Newspapers
Anglia W. O. Copeman Various East Anglian Newspapers
L. P. Scott Manchester Guardian
North News Ltd.
Ulster O.W. Henderson Belfast Newsletter Ltd.
Westward T.V W. A. Hawkins Various West Country Papers
Border T.V J. L. Burgess Cumberland Newspapers Ltd.
Sir John Muirhead George Outram & Co.—various Scottish Newspapers
J. I. Small The Tweeddale Press
Grampian T.V J. M. Milne John Milne, The Central Press (Aberdeen) Ltd.
I. M. Tennant Moray and Nairn Newspapers Co. Ltd.
Times Publishing Co. (this Company has no financial interests in any T.V. Company)
Wales (W. & N.) Ltd. E. L. Thomas Woodalls Newspapers Ltd.
Channel T.V A. G. Harrison Local Channel Islands Newspapers
G. Le Gros Peck Local Channel Islands Newspapers