HC Deb 22 January 1963 vol 670 cc21-3
30. Mr. Sydney Irving

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what proposals he has for announcing the allocations of local authority housing programmes for more than a year in advance.

Sir K. Joseph

It is a matter for the local authorities in the first place to submit their proposals to me. In the areas with the most serious slum clear-

Mr. Irving

Is the Minister aware that when we see the figures they will undoubtedly tell us that we are making no bigger effort in housing than we were ten years ago, and that in local authority housing we are making a much reduced effort? In view of the great urgency of this matter at the moment—the great need for housing, and the fact that many other European countries are making a bigger investment in housing; Western Germany built 575,000 houses in 1961—how can the Minister justify his failure to increase and expand the housing programme?

Sir K. Joseph

The figures for which the hon. Member has asked reflect a large increase in the gross national product and a large increase in spending on construction of other sorts than dwellings. But I cordially agree that we need to build more dwellings, and the Government's proposals will be made shortly.

Following is the information:

ance problems I am willing to agree programmes for up to five years ahead. In other areas I am prepared to consider forward programmes adapted to local needs and circumstances.

Mr. Irving

Is the Minister aware that in all areas it would greatly assist local authority planning if this were done—in facilitating tendering and making possible larger contracts and the continuity of work? This would make a contribution towards reducing costs. Will not the Minister consider this matter again?

Sir K. Joseph

I cannot believe that local authorities would welcome dictation from me as to the number of houses they should build. The initiative is the other way round; they tell me what they wish to build, and I am encouraging them at the moment to make longer programmes in that regard.