HC Deb 28 February 1963 vol 672 cc1432-3
19. Mr. Jeger

asked the Minister of Education to what extent he advises junior mixed schools in rural areas regarding uniform clothing for the pupils.

Sir E. Boyle

I do not issue any advice. This is a matter which is best left to the discretion of individual local education authorities.

Mr. Jeger

Is not the Minister aware of the discrepancies and differences which occur throughout the country in regard to the clothing allowed for children going to school? Is he aware that in the village of Womersley in my constituency the local headmistress has been sending home, even during the recent weather, two children who were going to school in jeans and wellingtons? These children have to walk a mile and a half from the farm where they live to the school. Will he issue some sort of advice to village schoolmistresses that they should temper their authority with a certain amount of common sense?

Sir E. Boyle

If one is to have a system of national education administered locally, circulars must not be multiplied overmuch. I should hesitate before sending out a circular to village schoolmistresses telling them what children should wear.