HC Deb 28 February 1963 vol 672 cc1425-6
7. Mr. Boyden

asked the Minister of Education which proposals he has accepted of those on staffing and accommodation in adult education recently made to him by the National Institute of Adult Education.

Sir E. Boyle

The main proposals about accommodation are being considered in the light of capital investment policy, and I have no statement to make about them at present. As regards the staffing proposals, I intend to provide for the 1963–64 session some additional grants which will enable the universities extra-mural departments, the Workers Education Association districts and other responsible bodies to increase the total number of their part-time tutors. I hope that local education authorities, to which I have sent copies of the report, will study those recommendations in it which affect their own staffing arrangements.*

Mr. Boyden

This is a disappointing reply. Is the right hon. Gentleman going on with the same line of policy as that pursued by his predecessor, namely, to make vague innuendos about adult education being a good thing and do little about it?

Sir E. Boyle

I ask the hon. Member to await the publication of next year's Estimates. I should have thought that providing the additional grants which I have mentioned could hardly be regarded as a vague innuendo.

Mr. Willey

Will the right hon. Gentleman anticipate those Estimates by saying how much these are worth?

Sir E. Boyle

No, Sir. I would ask the hon. Member to await publication of the Estimates.