HC Deb 27 February 1963 vol 672 cc1242-3
24. Mr. Mulley

asked the Secretary of State for Air what is the total sum spent upon aircraft and equipment since March, 1958; and what percentage of this total has been devoted to aircraft and equipment for Bomber Command, Fighter Command and Transport Command, respectively.

Mr. H. Fraser

The total actual and estimated expenditure on aircraft and technical equipment from April, 1958, to March, 1963, is about £1,150 million of which 35 per cent. was for Bomber Command; 25 per cent. for Fighter Command; and 10 per cent. for Transport Command.

Mr. Mulley

Does not this Answer indicate the error of Government policy, in that they have got their priorities completely wrong, that they have spent only 10 per cent. of the money on aircraft for Transport Command which has a vital rôle to fulfil and 35 per cent. on Bomber Command whose future, to say the least, is very doubtful?

Mr. Fraser

I disagree entirely with the hon. Gentleman. I could not disagree more. For example, Bomber Command includes forces which are not part of the deterrent, such as the Valiants assigned to S.A.C.E.U.R. the tanker force. photographic reconnaissance squadrons and so forth, and, as he knows, we are proposing in the next few years to spend a very large sum of money on Transport Command.