HC Deb 26 February 1963 vol 672 cc1083-5
Q7. Miss Herbison

asked the Prime Minister who is responsible for coordinating the activities of the Minister of Power, the Minister of Labour, the President of the Board of Trade and the Secretary of State for Scotland, with a view to ensuring that no further communities are left derelict by large-scale closure of collieries.

The Prime Minister

There is regular and frequent consultation between all Ministers concerned with fostering the growth of the economy; and the social implications of economic changes are taken fully into account.

Miss Herbison

Is the Prime Minister satisfied that these consultations are leading to results? Is he not aware that in one area where massive pit closures have already taken place 70 per cent. of those who are unemployed have been unemployed for over eight weeks? Is the right hon. Gentleman also aware that in another area, the Caldercruix and Greengairs area, where two pits are to be closed very soon, the rate of unemployment is 11.7 per cent. for men? Is he aware that the Coal Board has said that there is no possibility of those men who are to become redundant getting jobs? Does not this show that there must be greater coordination and one Minister held responsible?

The Prime Minister

I would remind the hon. Lady that when in July the announcements were made of the closures that would be necessary either because of the working-out of the seams or because of their uneconomic character, a number of measures were taken. Special arrangements were made by the Board for placing men in other employment. There were the development of a new industrial estate at Donibristle, the provision of an advance factory, the acquisition of five new sites for future industrial development, the building of a number of advance factories and assistance under the Local Employment Act for the Bathgate-Livingstone area. In addition the Minister of Labour is opening two new Government training centres in Scotland, one at Motherwell and the other at Dunfermline.

Miss Herbison

In spite of these announcements made by the Government, may I ask the Prime Minister to recognise the very serious nature of unemployment in these areas, both in Fifeshire and in Lanarkshire? The right hon. Gentleman must recognise that it is so serious that greater steps must be taken and much more urgency must be shown by the Government if any improvement is to take place.

The Prime Minister

I quite understand the problem. These were not pronouncements by the Government, but projects which are now being proceeded with. We have others in mind and when we have had a review of these matters an announcement will be made.