HC Deb 19 February 1963 vol 672 cc211-2
2. Mr. Stodart

asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the percentage increase or reduction, between 1960, 1961 and 1962, in the number of gallons of Scotch whisky sold abroad of an age less than that at which it may be sold in this country.

The Minister of State, Board of Trade (Mr. Alan Green)

Separate figures for exports of immature whisky are not available, but it is estimated that in 1961, compared with 1960, exports in proof gallons increased by about 50 per cent., while in 1962 compared with 1961 they were about 16 per cent. lower.

Mr. Stodart

Does not this mean that the export of immature whisky now amounts to about 1 million gallons or more per annum? Is my hon. Friend aware of the unfavourable comment about the presence of immature whisky in great potential markets for Scotch whisky, such as France and Western Germany, and will he take steps to place the export of immature whisky on the same basis as it enjoys in the home market by removing from the export field altogether a commodity which can very easily damage the reputation of a great export earner?

Mr. Green

I assure my hon. Friend that representations to this effect have been made to us and they are now under consideration.