- Law of Intestacy 323 words cc1291-2
- Road Bridge, Erskine 292 words cc1292-3
- Maternity Beds, Paisley 179 words cc1293-4
- Industrial Counties (Derelict Sites) 308 words c1294
- Hospital Accommodation, Fife 175 words cc1294-5
- Watt Memorial College, Greenock 96 words cc1295-6
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board 598 words cc1296-8
- Land Settlement Crofts 495 words cc1298-9
- South of Scotland Electricity Board 435 words cc1299-300
- Shipbuilding 289 words cc1300-2
- Local Authorities (Capital Projects) 677 words cc1302-4
- Scottish Economy 659 words