HC Deb 11 February 1963 vol 671 cc911-3
5. Mr. Dugdale

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether Her Majesty's Government have yet decided to recognise the Government of the Yemen.

Mr Heath

I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for The Wrekin (Mr. W. Yates) on 5th February.

Mr. Dugdale

Is it surprising that the Government, with their guilty conscience over Suez, naturally dislike any Government which happens to be recognised and supported by President Nasser? Do not they think that this sort of "shut-your-eyes" business is getting quite absurd in view of the fact that even the American Government recognise that the new Yemeni Government is firmly established and have recognised it themselves?

Mr. Heath

We have set down very clearly the criteria for recognition by the British Government. This matter is under our constant study. As I have already told the House, our Minister in Taiz has been brought back here for consultation so that we can discuss the matter further with him. However, I cannot accept the reasons which the right hon. Gentleman suggested for not recognising the Yemeni Government.

Mr. P. Noel-Baker

Will the right hon. Gentleman realise that recognition is not a favour to the Government in question but is in British interests?

Mr. Heath

But there also have to be criteria, which the right hon. Gentleman, with his long experience, knows include whether a Government has complete control of the country or not, and that is something we have to examine most carefully.

Sir P. Agnew

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the loyalist forces are now within nine miles of Sana? Will he, therefore, give the House an assurance that he will do nothing to discourage the Imam from the attempts which he is making at the restoration of his full authority over the whole Yemen?

Mr. Heath

The attitude of Her Majesty's Government throughout has been one of non-intervention. I have heard reports of the kind to which my hon. Friend refers, but I have not had confirmation of them.

Mr. Grimond

Is it true that the Yemeni Government has said that it intends to expel our diplomatic mission unless recognition is afforded within a week?

Mr. Heath

Not as far as I know.

Mr. Dugdale

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I will raise the matter at the earliest possible opportunity.