HC Deb 05 February 1963 vol 671 cc217-8
24. Mr. Dugdale

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs why he has refused to confirm the West Bromwich Corporation, John Street, Carter Green No. 1, Compulsory Purchase Order.

Mr. Corfield

The council's plans for redevelopment of the land in the order involved a substantial departure from the approved development plan. My right hon. Friend decided not to confirm the order because he agreed with the inspector that confirmation might appear to prejudice the decision on any amendment to the development plan and because he considered that clearance of the unfit houses could be secured without compulsory purchase of the land.

Mr. Dugdale

Is the Minister aware that this land will have to be developed in any case, and that when it is, as a result of his decision, it will cost the ratepayers of West Bromwich considerably more than it would have otherwise?

Mr. Corfield

I think that this is a matter which will be under consideration when the necessary order comes before my right hon. Friend.