HC Deb 19 December 1963 vol 686 c1458
The Prime Minister (Sir Alec Douglas-Home)

With permission, Mr. Speaker, I will now make a statement.

On 5th December I made a preliminary statement about a National Memorial to President Kennedy.

I have since had further discussions with the right hon. Gentleman the Leader of the Opposition and with the right hon. Gentleman the Leader of the Liberal Party, and with their agreement I have invited Lord Franks to be the chairman of a small committee to consider the suggestions that have been and may be made and to recommend what form a Memorial might take.

It seems to me right that we should reach agreement on the form of a Memorial before an appeal for funds is launched.

I intend to have further consultations with the right hon. Gentlemen opposite about the membership of the committee and will arrange for an announcement to be made as soon as possible.

Lord Franks is at present abroad on a private visit, but will embark upon this task immediately on his return to this country in the new year.

Any communication in connection with a Memorial should be addressed to the Secretary, The President Kennedy Memorial Committee, Cabinet Office, Great George Street, S.W.1.