HC Deb 17 December 1963 vol 686 c1022
4. Mr. C. Pannell

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what progress has been made towards establishing a fully integrated organisation for works and supplies services following the amalgation of the works organisations of the Service Departments and of his Department.

Mr. Rippon

Since the amalgamation took place on 1st April last, I have prepared a Plan for a fully integrated organisation for works and supplies services and this is now being put into effect as part of a major reorganisation of the new Ministry. I am today publishing a White Paper giving details of this reorganisation. Copies are now available in the Vote Office. In this reorganisation I have had three main objectives. First, to secure a large measure of delegated responsibility to the new integrated regional organisations which I an establishing at home and overseas. Secondly, to maintain a close partnership between administrative and professional staff. Thirdly, to forge close links between works and research and development organisations at all levels.

Mr. Pannell

The Minister indicated earlier that this was going to happen. We look forward to seeing the White Paper and we reserve our position. When does the right hon. Gentleman expect all this to start?

Mr. Rippon

I expect the main essentials of the new organisation to be in operation by April, 1964.