HC Deb 09 December 1963 vol 686 cc27-8
33. Mr. G. Thomas

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that patients at Rookwood Hospital, Llandaff, Cardiff, have to be carried more than 70 yards in the open from the operating theatre to the wards because no money is available to build the covered way approved by the Rookwood Hospital House Committee eighteen months ago; and what action he proposes to take in this matter.

Mr. Braine

Yes, Sir, for a few patients from one particular ward. The Welsh Hospital Board and the Cardiff Hospital Management Committee are considering giving higher priority to the building work.

Mr. Thomas

Is the Minister trying to shuffle off responsibility? Is he not aware that the hospital committee has stated that it is the rigid financial restriction imposed by his Department which is responsible for the present difficulty? Does he think, because only a few patients have to be carried from the operating theatre out into the open air a distance of between 70 and 100 yards, that this is not an urgent matter?

Mr. Braine

I am not defending it for a moment. If I may say so, the hon. Gentleman, in uncharacteristic fashion for him, has put a most unfair construction on my reply. I said that the matter was being considered now, and it may well be that, following a report from the hospital staff, the scheme will be accorded a higher priority by the hospital management committee.

Mr. Thomas

Is the Minister prepared to help the hospital management committee financially to get on with the job? As he will know from the representations which have been made to his Department, it has been waiting for a considerable time.

Mr. Braine

I think that it would be best to await the outcome of the discussions which are at present under way.