§ 23. Mr. Russellasked the Minister of Transport when he expects that traffic signals to guide pedestrians will be installed in one-way streets where they join Oxford Street, London, W.1
§ Mr. GalbraithPedestrian signals have been provided in Regent Street north and south of Oxford Circus and at Old Quebec Street, and they are being provided at Old Cavendish Street Pedestrians can cross in safety other one-way streets entering Oxford Street when the traffic is halted by the signals. We do not think that pedestrian aspects in these signals are justified at present.
§ Mr. RussellIs my hon. Friend aware that many pedestrians, especially 1127 old people, become bewildered if they get no guidance about crossing one-way streets, particularly busy streets like Orchard Street, and will he look at the matter again?
§ Mr. GalbraithMy right hon. Friend continues to keep this matter under constant review. He will keep in mind what my hon. Friend has said.
§ 24. Mr. Russellasked the Minister of Transport if he will take steps to prevent traffic in Oxford Street, London, W.1, from being brought to a halt across intersections, thus blocking cross-traffic as well.
§ Mr. MarplesI am very conscious of this difficulty and of the deteriorating traffic conditions generally in Oxford Street. I am giving the problems urgent consideration and expect to be able to make proposals early in the New Year.
§ Mr. RussellI thank my right hon. Friend for that reply. Would not he agree that to be blocked by a stream of traffic across an intersection is one of the most infuriating ways of being involved in a traffic jam?
§ Mr. MarplesThis particular area of the West End is about the most difficult to sort out. It has not been made any easier by the building of the Victoria Tube extension. This has alteredthe original proposals which I had in mind and I am trying to work out new ones to take account of the alteration now being made as a result of the Victoria Tube. These will be announced early in the New Year.
§ Mr. LiptonIn the absence of any hon. Member representing St. Marylebone and the area north of Oxford Street, may I ask the Minister whether he will consider a fundamental approach to this problem? Will he bear in mind that many years ago I suggested that there should be consideration of some method of restricting cars from coming into the centre of London? Is he aware that this idea has been confirmed by the Buchanan Report and will he take fundamental action to tackle the problem?
§ Mr. MarplesI do not remember the hon. Gentleman sending any details of methods to restrict cars coming into the centre of London.