HC Deb 04 December 1963 vol 685 cc1129-30
30. Mr. Slater

asked the Minister of Transport what plans his Department has to mitigate the danger at Crumley Corner on the A.1 road north of Coatham Mundeville.

Mr. Galbraith

Crumley Corner will be eliminated altogether when this section of A.1is diverted on a new alignment into the roundabout which is to be constructed at this point to take the northern terminal of the Darlington by-pass now under construction. We aim to start work on the roundabout in about nine months. In the meantime, we have done all we reasonably can to warn road users of the dangers at this bend by providing additional signs and marker posts.

Mr. Slater

Will the hon. Gentleman take it that I have in my hand a Press cutting, under the heading, "Appointment with Death", which reveals that within the list six years no fewer than ten fatal accidents have taken place at this particular spot? Another fatal accident occurred there only last week. Moreover, sixty-five other accidents occurred there within the last four years. What has the hon. Gentleman's Department been doing during the past few years about this danger spot which has involved so many fatal accidents? If we have to wait until such time as the new major by-pass road comes across and further accidents take place, the danger not being mitigated by the measures which have been taken, will not the people of the district be right to draw the conclusion that the Ministry is not interested at all?

Mr. Galbraith

The hon. Gentleman's figures are not exactly the same as mine. The figuresI have show that, in the last four years, there has, in fact, been only one fatal accident. My right hon. Friend is going ahead as fast as he can to improve the situation, and he has put up additional signs and marker posts to indicate to those using the road that this is a danger spot.