HC Deb 23 April 1963 vol 676 c18
25. Mr. Jay

asked the President of the Board of Trade what steps he proposes to take to accelerate the work of the Monopolies Commission.

Mr. D. Price

The review of policy on monopolies and restrictive practices, which the right hon. Gentleman knows about, is concerned with all aspects of monopolies and restrictive practices legislation, including the working of the Monopolies Commission.

Mr. Jay

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that as a result of the emasculation of the Commission by the Government no major report has been made for a year past, and that there are several industries before the Commission which have been under consideration for two or three years? Are the Government really satisfied with this rate of progress?

Mr. Price

The right hon. Gentleman would not expect me to agree with the first part of his supplementary question. With regard to the second part of it, I said in reply to an earlier supplementary question that once an industry has been referred to the Monopolies Commission it is up to the Commission to decide how soon it completes its report and when it will report.

Mr. Jay

Is it not a fact that the Commission can operate only with the staff that it is allowed to have by the Government and that the Government have some responsibility for seeing that this machine works? Is the Board of Trade really satisfied with a situation in which we have had no reports for 12 to 15 months?

Mr. Price

As my original reply suggested, these are matters which will be considered in the review which my right hon. Friend has instigated.