HC Deb 01 April 1963 vol 675 cc17-8
22. Mr. Awbery

asked the Minister of Health if he will seek to amend the National Health Service Act 1946 so that health authorities will be required to nominate men experienced in health administration for appointment to regional hospital boards.

Mr. Powell

No, Sir.

Mr. Awbery

Is the Minister aware that there is provision in the Act of 1948 for consultation with local health authorities? That consultation implied that the name sent on by the local authority would be accepted by the Minister with others from whom he could select his committee. Is he aware that the Bristol authority has sent names since 1959 and that not one of them has been selected? Will he give consideration to the nomination of these men, who have had practical experience in the region, for selection for this committee?

Mr. Powell

I cannot accept that consultation conveys the obligation to appoint the persons nominated because many more are nominated than the size of the boards. In this region there are twelve local health authorities concerned, and it is not only the local health authorities whose interests require to be reflected in the composition of a board. What I can say is that the requirements and the recommendations of local health authorities are most seriously considered in working out the constitution of a board.

Mr. Grant-Ferris

Will the Minister bear in mind that the complaint raised by the hon. Member for Bristol, Central (Mr. Awbery) is shared by some other parts of the country, such as the part which I represent?

Mr. Powell

That is not surprising, since there are many more local health authorities in the region than can normally find representation on the regional board at any one time.

23. Mr. Awbery

asked the Minister of Health if he will appoint to membership of the regional hospital board men whose names have been submitted to him by the Bristol health committee.

Mr. Powell

This is not excluded.

Mr. Awbery

The Bristol health authority is the largest in the South-West Region. It has sent names to him year by year. He has not selected from these men. Will he give an undertaking that some regard will be paid to the names which are forwarded to him by the largest authority in the region?

Mr. Powell

I certainly give an undertaking that I do have regard to names which are submitted to me by all authorities whom I consult, but I cannot bind myself to appoint nominees of any particular authority.

Mr. Awbery

There has been persistent rejection.