HC Deb 01 April 1963 vol 675 c24
36. Mr. C. Johnson

asked the Minister of Labour, in view of the obligations which will be placed on employers after the coming into operation of the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Bill to maintain a specific number of persons trained in first-aid, what arrangements he proposes to make to ensure that the necessary number of trained persons will in fact be available.

Mr. Hare

I propose to consult the voluntary training organisations about the provision of training facilities. The date when this provision comes into force would be fixed to allow sufficient time for employers to make the necessary arrangements. This was the procedure adopted when the corresponding provision under the Factories Act, 1959, was brought into operation.

Mr. Johnson

In view of the difficulty, with which the right hon. Gentleman must be familiar, of getting volunteers to come forward for training, how will employers be able to carry out their obligations under the Bill, when it becomes an Act, in the absence of any statutory powers?

Mr. Hare

The hon. Member is right in drawing attention to the difficulty. He will remember that we discussed this when the Bill was proceeding through its Third Reading and Report stages. We are giving ample warning to employers of what will be required of them, and I trust that we are going to succeed in our objective.

Mr. Johnson

Will the right hon. Gentleman give an assurance that he will watch the position carefully to see that their obligations are carried out?

Mr. Hare

Naturally I will watch this most carefully, since it is my Bill.

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