HC Deb 14 November 1962 vol 667 c365
22. Dr. Dickson Mabon

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he is taking fully to inform local authority councillors in Scotland of the desirability of maintaining adequate fluoridation of water supplies.

Mr. Brooman-White

Copies of the Report of the Conduct of the Fluoridation Studies in the United Kingdom were sent in July to each local health authority in Scotland. This should enable the local authorities to reach an informed view on this matter.

Dr. Mabon

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this matter is going by default because, in the case of the Kilmarnock Town Council, inadequate information was presented and the councillors were misinformed? Will he circulate the information from the Standing Advisory Dental Committee to all local councillors in Scotland so that we may have a proper presentation of the case?

Mr. Brooman-White

I will certainly consider that point.

Dr. Stross

Can the hon. Gentleman give us some information as to the cost of fluoridation—for example, the cost to an average town of 100,000 population?

Mr. Brooman-White

Not without notice.