HC Deb 13 November 1962 vol 667 c176
17. Mr. J. Griffiths

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government and Minister for Welsh Affairs what action he proposes to take to implement the recommendations of the Council for Wales and Monmouthshire in its Report, Command Paper No. 1821, on the rural transport problem in Wales.

Sir K. Joseph

Although the Council's Report was submitted to me in accordance with the normal practice—and I should like to take this opportunity of warmly thanking them for it—action on the recommendations, so far as this is the responsibility of a Minister, is a matter for my right hon. Friend, the Minister of Transport. But I shall, of course, keep in close touch with him at all stages.

Mr. Griffiths

May I ask the Minister whether, in view of the fact that in addition to the Report of the Council, which he had before him for seven months before it was published, he has had last week's recommendation of the Transport Users' Consultative Council, which bears out what the Committee has said, he will now urge the Minister of Transport to suspend the closure of the line which connects South-West Wales with Mid-Wales and the Midlands until the reports of his own Council and of the Transport Committee have been fully considered?

Sir K. Joseph

There is a Question on this sort of matter to my right hon. Friend from one of the right hon. Gentleman's hon. Friends tomorrow.

Mr. Griffiths

May I ask the Minister, as he is responsible for the Council of Wales, whether he has conveyed with his own support this recommendation to the Minister of Transport?

Sir K. Joseph

I am in close touch with my right hon. Friend on all the implications of this Report.