HC Deb 07 November 1962 vol 666 cc956-7
16. Mr. Boyden

asked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty how many checks on branches responsible for repayment services have been made since the publication of the Public Accounts Committee Report drawing attention to a loss on a sale of cartridges of £55,000: and what have been the results.

Mr. C. Ian Orr-Ewing

The officer appointed to check the working of Admiralty repayment services has studied the arrangements of five Departments and has found them satisafctory. His investigation has included the Department referred to in the Committee's Report.

Mr. Boyden

Will the Civil Lord answer two questions? First, has any of the £55,000 bean recovered? Secondly, have there been any similar checks on the naval branches concerned with repayment services, for example the use of motor transport, on repayment for the private use of catering facilities?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

We are discussing with the Treasury how we can reclaim the money lost. Perhaps I could write to the hon. Gentleman and tell him which of the five departments have been examined and which are the outstanding departments. I (have no information with me to show whether the department dealing with catering has yet been examined.