HC Deb 05 November 1962 vol 666 cc594-6
35. Commander Pursey

asked the Minisiter of Labour if he will state the number of unemployed in Hull and the number who are disabled; and what steps are being taken to reduce the number and to train disabled persons for employment.

Mr. Whitelaw

There are 4,034 unemployed of whom 673 are disabled. Our local officers are doing everything possible to find suitable work for the unemployed. Training can be arranged for suitable disabled persons in Government training centres, in residential colleges for the disabled and in technical colleges.

Commander Pursey

Why does the Minister not have a thorough investigation into the unemployment situation in Hull with the object of using all the resources of the State to reduce unemployment by thousands, or else inform the fit unemployed that in the Tory affluent society there will be no employment for them in Hull and advise them to move to other employment areas, or, alternatively, to emigrate to Australia and Canada because there is no work expected for them in Hull?

Mr. Whitelaw

The hon. and gallant Gentleman has been urging something which has actually been done, as these figures will show. In October, 1961, the unemployment percentage in Hull was 2.8 and in October, 1962, the unemployment percentage was 2.6. So we have moved in that direction.

Mr. Jeger

Is the hon. Gentleman satisfied that the training which is given to disabled men equips them for work? Will he study carefully the two cases, details of which I have sent to him, in which expensive training courses have been given to men who have been unable to get work afterwards?

Mr. Whitelaw

I will do that. I absolutely agree with the hon. Gentleman that it is of vital importance when considering training facilities to get the people placed at the end. Particularly with the disabled a great deal is done. However, I shall be only too pleased to consider the cases which the hon. Gentleman has mentioned.

36. Commander Pursey

asked the Minister of Labour what steps are being taken in Hull to train unemployed persons for existing vacancies for employment.

Mr. Whitelaw

Training in various trades is available in Government training centres for suitable unemployed persons from Hull. The nearest centre to Hull is at Leeds.

Commander Pursey

Why not check double employment in Hull and also get employers to engage trainees, instead of relying on a regular pool of unemployed from which to obtain casual labour and then discharging them again like slaves in a slave market?

Mr. Whitelaw

I do not think the hon. and gallant Gentleman really expects me to accept what he has said.

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