HC Deb 05 November 1962 vol 666 cc591-2
25. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Minister of Labour what progress he is making in finding alternative employment in Dundee for workers redundant in the cash register industry.

Mr. Whitelaw

Our local officers registered in advance of their discharge 171 of the 274 workers declared redundant, and 15 registered subsequently. Eight have been placed locally, seven have been put in touch with other employers, and 43 are known to have found work themselves. The prospects of alternative employment in the area are reasonably good.

Mr. Thomson

While paying tribute to the work of local officers of the Ministry of Labour in finding alternative employment where they can, may I ask whether the hon. Gentleman is aware that this set-back underlines the Government's failure to provide any new engineering employment in Dundee for many years? Will not the Government make fresh efforts to give high priority to getting in some new engineering firms to take up this slack?

Mr. Whitelaw

I am grateful to the hon. Member for what he said about the local officers, which I know is very well deserved. I share his concern about the problems of the area, and I can assure him that everything possible is being done to encourage industrial development of the type he has mentioned.

26. Mr. G. M. Thomson

asked the Minister of Labour what consultations he is having with the Tay Road Bridge Joint Committee and with the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board to ensure that in respect of building the Tay Road Bridge and the proposed new generating station at Dundee the maximum number of local workers is employed.

Mr. Hare

Consultation with the Tay Road Bridge Joint Committee is maintained by the Manager of the Dundee Employment Exchange through his membership of the Lord Provost's Development Committee. My Scottish Headquarters is in touch with the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board. Every effort will be made to place local unemployed when labour demands arise on these projects.

Mr. Thomson

Would the Minister bear in mind that Dundee is an isolated industrial centre and that if people cannot find jobs there they have to move or break up their homes to find jobs elsewhere? Will the right hon. Gentleman make sure that where there are big public works projects no workers are brought in to do work that can be done by local people?

Mr. Hare

I will look into what the hon. Member has said. I would not go as far as that, but I hope that these projects will help the local employment position in Dundee.

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